CBT Nuggets Microsoft Windows Vista Exam-Pack 70-621 英文正式版(Windows Vista電腦部署和維護認證考訓練教學光碟)
CBT Nuggets Microsoft Windows Vista Exam-Pack 70-621 英文正式版(Windows Vista電腦部署和維護認證考訓練教學光碟)
CBT Nuggets 推出 Windows Vista 和 Microsoft Office System 2007 用戶端電
The demand for Vista desktop deployment skills is huge. And with each passing
day, that demand grows stronger. Rhonda Layfield's step-by-step Vista desktop
deployment instruction puts these skills at your fingertips in easy
to understand nuggets.
Whether you're new to desktop deployment or just tired of wrestling with it
alone, this is the video series for you. Rhonda knows how to turn complex
subjects into common-sense solutions. In no time, you'll be the Vista
deployment expert your boss and co-workers count on.
Vista desktop deployment uses lots of cool toolkits -- like Windows System
Image Manager (WSIM) and Application Compatibility. These complex-looking
toolkits may seem challenging at first glance, but don't worry.
In no time, Rhonda will show you how easily you can bend them to your will.
Her organized training style makes deploying Vista and Office 2007 a snap.
CBT Nuggets training also prepares you for Microsoft's 70-624 exam.
Passing the exam earns you MCTS certification as a Desktop Deployment Product
Specialist. This certification tells the world you know what you're doing, provides
you with extra job security and advances your career and salary opportunities.