Kapeli moveAddict v2.25 MacOSX 系統軟體 英文破解版
moveAddict 可以在 Finder 中增加剪切功能,讓你很方便的在 Finder 中用 -X來剪
切檔,用 -v 來粘貼文件。
moveAddict is a Snow Leopard-only application that provides a
functionality the Finder was missing, the ability to move files
using the keyboard. It’s meant to replace dragging and dropping
for anyone that would rather use the keyboard instead of the
In a nutshell, you can use it to cut files or folders and then
paste them where you want.
As a bonus, you can also use it to merge folders instead of
completely replacing them, another functionality that the Finder
was missing.
For anyone that hasn't used cut and paste for files before,
here's a short description:
Cut - when you cut files the only thing that happens is that
moveAddict remembers the location of the files, it does not
change the files in any way
Paste - when you paste, moveAddict moves the files from their
original locations to the new one
If you cut a file and forget to paste it, nothing happens!
moveAddict does not change the system or the Finder in any way,
it's just a regular application which you can uninstall by
deleting it.