Extensis QX-Tools Pro 5 for Mac 英文光碟正式版
破解說明:安裝序號: QME-500-100-756-031338
Extensis QX-Tools Pro 5 for Mac 英文光碟正式版
QX-Tools Pro 一套可以幫肋你快速建立、完稿、列印、使用QuarkXpress的一套好
工具,它有方便的工具可以很便捷的匯出、入 Excel的工作表及圖表當然更提供了
許許多多好用的轉換工具,是QuarkXpress 使用者所不可以缺少的重要幫手
市價:新台幣 7680元。
Extensis QX-Tools Pro helps QuarkXPress users everywhere create better
documents faster. QX-Tools Pro simplifies everyday tasks such as sending
files to the printer, importing objects such as Excel charts, fine tuning
object and character settings and much more. The interactive palettes of
QX-Tools Pro unearth the hidden power buried within the hundreds of
QuarkXPress commands and shortcuts.
Import Excel or PowerPoint files directly into your QuarkXPress document
without having to recreate charts or slides from scratch.
QX-Collect & Send
The ultimate job collection tool. Gather and send all job files, fonts and
images (including linked images in EPS files), directly to your printer’s
FTP site, without ever leaving QuarkXPress. Or, simply collect all job
files with or without compression.
Master all the QuarkXPress shortcuts. This single palette displays all
shortcuts for fast reference. Clicking any shortcut listing launches that
command. Create a customized set of the shortcuts you use most often for
rapid productivity.
Resize groups of QuarkXPress objects with flexible precision, attribute
selection and the ability to undo.
Search and replace across all QuarkXPress items, even objects, using over
50 item attributes. Incredible flexibility includes using greater (>) and
less than (<) symbols when searching.
Create style sheets for QuarkXPress items, using any of over 50 item
attributes. Updating the style instantly updates all affected items,
ensuring design consistency and fast global changes.
Navigate documents with ease while viewing thumbnail previews of all page
spreads. Immediately zoom to the spot you want.
Interactively adjust character attributes such as font size, angle,
baseline shift, kerning and more.
Interactively adjust text and picture box attributes such as frame
thickness and shading, skew, text inset, gutter width, number of columns
and more.
Interactively adjust paragraph spacing and indentation.
Interactively adjust rule properties such as thickness, inset, position
and more.
Create, reorder, show, hide, and assign objects to layers within
QuarkXPress. Layers behave as they do in other major graphics applications
,just like you expect them to. The QX-Layers Scripting Engine AppleScripts
are available in the Freeware section of our website. Click here to go
there now.